One Team. One Little League. One Community.
How do I register for baseball or softball?
Registration for the 2025 season will open in January 2025.
All registrations take place online through the OPLL website. To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Independent Health FlexFit* or ACH Bank Account information available. Levels will fill up quickly, so register early!
*If your Independent Health FlexFit CC does not have a balance large enough to cover your fee, you can contact us to make a split payment.
I can't get past the proof of residency questions!
Even though there is a section for proof of residency, you can bypass this by clicking on “Continue.” This is a Little League of America request in case district teams are formed later this summer, but not required during the registration process.
What is the earliest age a child can play in baseball and softball at Orchard Park Little League (OPLL)?
Our youngest age level is Tee Ball. The next instructional levels of Pee Wee baseball and Rookies softball is typically a combination of tee ball and coach pitch.
Tee ball players must be four (4) years of age by April 30, 2025.
What are the fees?
$160.00 for Tee Ball.
Registration fees for all other levels is $175.00.
Additionally, teams may individually decide to collect contributions for team parties, food/beverages or trophies. These fees are at the discretion of the team. The league asks all house league teams to keep such fees reasonable.
Unlike other organizations that collect mandatory fundraising fees upfront, we do not collect such fees. Our fees cover the cost of uniforms, insurance, field and complex maintenance, umpire costs and capital improvements. Other organizations can rely on the town or municipality to maintain their fields. Since Orchard Park Little League fields are the responsibility of the league and carry a significant cost to maintain, we count on your fees and corporate sponsorships to provide a well-groomed and safe complex.
Where is the Orchard Park Little League complex located?
Orchard Park Little League complex is located at the corner of Thorn Avenue and Duerr Road in Orchard Park, NY. The official address is 275 Thorn Ave., Orchard Park, NY 14127.
The complex includes five diamonds, a food and refreshment facility, batting cages, practice pitching mounds and washroom facilities.
When does the season begin?
Opening day for our 2025 season is being planned for May 3, 2025. More communications will come out in April about this exciting event
Approximate key dates are as follows.
- January-March - Registration
- April – Manager and team selections; Drafts for ages 9 and older; Player team assignment notification; Uniform distribution; Practice begin (weather permitting); Complex clean-up
- May – House regular season begins
- Late June/Early July– Regular season ends/playoffs begin
- Early July – Playoffs end
What will the schedule look like?
There are typically 14 games scheduled (including playoffs) from May to early July. Lower levels such as Tee Ball, Pee Wee baseball and Rookies softball schedule approximately 10-14 games. Rainouts are generally not rescheduled as the number of games scheduled factor in 3-6 rainouts per season. We encourage managers to hold a reasonable number of practices prior to and during the season.
*Please note: Our Seniors and Majors division teams will compete in a house league with teams from Hamburg. Players aged 11-15 are eligible and travel players can participate. As part of this league, Majors teams can expect approximately nine games for the season (plus playoffs), while Seniors teams can expect approximately eight games (plus playoffs).*
Games are generally two per week. Below are the days of the week that each division level may have a game.
Tee Ball: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
Pee Wee - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Juniors - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Minors - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Majors - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Seniors - TBD
Rookies - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Minors - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Majors - Monday, Wednesday
Seniors - Monday
What are the playing division levels?
Softball follows USA softball rules and uses a January 1st cut-off date. Travel players are eligible to play up a division, but no player will be allowed to play down a division.
Rookies | 6-8* year olds | Instructional Level; Tee Ball & Coach Pitch |
Minors | 9-10 year olds | Pitching Machine |
Majors | 11-12 year olds | First level of kid pitch softball, run limit |
Seniors | 13-16 year olds | Modified USA fastpitch rules |
*Eight-year-olds that have played two seasons of Rookies softball will be moved to Minors softball.
Orchard Park Little League will follow the calendar year date of September 1 consistent to divisional levels. This means that the August 31 date will now determine the age-appropriate level for the 2024 season, with the exception of four-year-olds playing Tee Ball. For example, a player turning nine years old on September 1, 2024 will be considered an eight-year-old.
Travel players are eligible to play up a division, but no player will be allowed to play down a division.
Tee Ball | 4* & 5 year olds | Tee Ball & Coach Pitch, 60' Bases, 46' Pitching Mound |
Pee Wee | 6 & 7 year olds | Coach Pitch, 60' Bases, 46' Pitching Mound |
Juniors | 7 & 8 year olds | Machine Pitch, 60' Bases, 46' Pitching Mound |
Minors | 9 & 10 year olds | First Year Kid Pitch, 60' Bases, 46' Pitching Mound |
Majors | 11 & 12 year olds | 60' Bases, 46' Pitching Mound |
| 13, 14 & 15 year olds | 90' Bases, 60' Pitching Mound |
*A child playing Tee Ball must be four years old by April 30, 2024.
Can my player move up or down in division?
Age designations are firm as set by Little League of America. At the younger levels (Tee Ball and PeeWee baseball), there is some wiggle room based on experience. As the players get older, we stick with Little League designations. However, there are some exceptions to play in an older age group. For example, baseball and softball travel teams have the option to play up a division if they choose. We recommend talking to your coach before choosing.
There is never an exception to playing down a division due to player safety for the younger players in that division. With this information, if you have a request, please put it into the special comments section of the registration form and we will take each situation on a case-by-case basis!
To check your player’s "Little League Age" you can use this Age Determination Tool directly from Little League of America.
What equipment is needed?
Team uniforms (jersey and caps for baseball and jersey and socks for softball) are included with the registration fee. Uniforms are yours to keep after the season ends. Players will need their own glove and pants (color usually determined by the coach). A bat and helmet is also required, but teams will have some to share if a player does not have their own. Baseball players will need a mouth guard and softball players will need a facemask. We highly recommend all players wear a heart guard. Rubber baseball spikes are strongly recommended. Metal spikes are only allowed at the Senior level.
Can we request to play with friends?
Yes, up through the Pee Wee level for baseball and only for the same level. We cannot guarantee that all requests will be honored, though we will make reasonable efforts to do so, while also considering the balance of competition when assembling these teams.
Beginning at Juniors baseball, players are drafted round by round by managers to help balance the competition. Parent requests to have their child placed with another player are not considered unless the player is a sibling.
Softball teams are determined by a draft at all levels. Special requests will be considered but not guaranteed.
By not requesting and being placed with a specific set of teammates, this is a great opportunity for players to form new friendships.